How to install mudrunner mods on console
How to install mudrunner mods on console

If i can solve this issue with my keys (prod.keys have 120 of them, extracted twice with Hekate and Lockpick to make sure) maybe i can progress on my experimenting.

How to install mudrunner mods on console install#

My bet right now is on extracting the NSP, modifying it, rebuild and install again. Also, the Switch version have less files and Config.xml/common.cfg are totally different. Mods are now available on PS4 and Xbox One Use the in-game browser to check out the first batch, and look forward to more as we keep adding new maps, vehicles, and other mods. It seems that the Switch version uses pre-rendered shaders - compare the extra files included in the Switch version: FxShaders, prebuild and textures_db_nx.bin (inside Switch's aren't available on PC. Properly extract the whole NSP, modify the, rebuild and install it again: failed at extracting, hactool (and its variants) aren't accepting my keys! Using the LayeredFS, like described above. Maybe the v0 i have available is a pre-purchase version? Horizon OS asks for it, but doesn't allow the game to boot anyway. Install the game without the only update available (1.8GB). Extracting the default into the LayeredFS and then applying the mod into these extracted folders, like how it's done on PC: nope, the game works as nothing had been done. Merging PC and Switch same results, broken graphics Using the from the PC version: crashes the game

how to install mudrunner mods on console

They said it was coming to consoles but never did, probably because they moved all of their efforts to Snow Runner (the sequel) releasing on April 28 which will have mod support for consoles finally. But hey! The modded car is in the game - in a all-white version without sound, but there it is! There is no modding on consoles for MudRunner. Names aren't displaying correctly and the textures are broken.

How to install mudrunner mods on console